Save your greens by going green!
kabeer murugkar • October 26, 2024

One thing I can say with absolute certainty: there is a kind of green everyone cares about–paisa! And no, this blog post isn’t about saving the environment; it’s more about saving your pocket. Now that I have got your attention, let’s dig into what Green Homes are and why you should care.
We all know climate change is a pressing issue–a fight humanity can’t ignore. But let’s face it, when daily life is a hustle, worrying about the entire planet can feel like a tall order. So, instead of awakening the environmentalist in you, I’ll bring this closer to home–literally. If you’re building a house, you need to know what a Green Home is. And this isn’t about saving the planet (although, that’s a bonus). It’s about what’s in it for you–making savings.
To put it very simply–Self-built Green Homes are the future. This is the newest revelation in housing and has now made its way into the affordable segment too. A Green Home is designed to be sustainable by cutting down long-term costs–specifically on energy and water bills, along with smarter construction. These homes focus on three key areas: construction material, water efficiency, and energy savings. By making small modifications to the traditional methods on these three parameters, you can save at least 20% on bills for years to come. Think of eco-friendliness as just a happy side effect–the real thing to focus on is saving money.
Now, I know what you are thinking: why risk it? That is a fair question. Of course, going against the wave is not an easy task. Green Homes is new and demands changes in construction methods which can be a big leap. But hey, you’re already reading this, and that’s a good start. And even if this blog only gets you thinking about it, I’ll consider my job well done. So, here’s why Green Homes make sense.
First off: to build a Green Home, the first requirement is ditching all the red bricks and using black/fly ash bricks. This changes a few things. They’re bigger, so you’ll need fewer of them. They’re lighter, easing the workload for construction workers. They’re also stronger–go ahead, try hitting one with a hammer! And the best part is, they are cost-effective! All in all, these factors help cut down costs on brickwork, including material purchase, transportation, and construction. Of course, there is also the part that is made with recycled components, releases less harmful substances in production, and does not burn fuel. Just an additional bragging point.
Now coming to the water part. What if I told you that you can save on your usage of water without making any changes in your routine? No, no, I am not messing with you when I say this. These magical little devices are called aerators. What they do is just regulate the flow of water through your taps while creating a mist-like effect. It is not about using less, it is about using smarter. Over time, the savings from water-efficient taps can really start to stack up. And of course, there is also the environment… But that’s okay.
Finally, the self-explanatory, energy part. Yes, it is a small investment initially, but the 5-star appliances have proven to be very effective on electricity. Starting from day one these appliances will start saving your money on electricity bills. In the long run, these small upgrades will make a noticeable difference in your monthly expenses. Do I even need to say anything more here? I do. Less electricity usage also majorly reduces the impact on the environment. That’s all.
So, there you have it! Building a Green Home isn’t about saving the planet(nonetheless a nice perk). It’s about saving your hard-earned cash. The benefits are clear, and there’s no real downside. The reasoning speaks for itself. Now’s the time to explore Green Homes–they’re not just the future of green housing, but the future of green wallets too.